Sunday, October 7, 2012

2 months!

I can't believe Mason is already 2 months old! At 2 months he...

-is starting to smile more :)
-likes to look at his giraffe toy (and now follows it with his eyes when I move it!)
-still hates tummy time and wet diapers
-is still a good sleeper, but lately has been getting up once in the middle of the night...I know that is still good, but I was spoiled with the sleeping through the night he used to do!
-is still having problems with his reflux :(
-is huge (already in 3-6 month clothes)

Mason is fascinated by this giraffe toy

sweet sleeper


cuteness <3

Mason's first O's game!

 First time in the Bumbo




  1. Alice-

    He is sooo cute. I hope you are doing good. Riley and I stop by the NICU at the end of August when we there getting a MRI done. Hope to get there again when more people are able to come out and say hello.

    1. Thanks! How is Riley? I'm sorry I missed her visit to the NICU!
